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3.029 individuals
752 families
Local heritage book of Achim-Bollen
Located near the Weser, Bollen is now part of the city of Achim and lies in Lower Saxony, but is located right on the border with Bremen.
Until well into the 20th century Bollen was in the parish of Arbergen, together with villages further inland on the Geestrücken such as Uphusen (now also to Achim), Mahndorf, Arbergen and Hemelingen, with the latter 3 villages today part of Bremen.
The oldest documented occurrence of Bollen is in the 13th century (see Reinhard Dietrich, Heimatkalendar for Kreis Verden 2011). The place was known for its agriculture and characterised by its proximity to the Weser, as it was in the middle of the flood area of the river. Until the Second World War, there was a ferry that served mainly the Bollener farmers, allowing them to reach their lands on the other side of the Weser. These lands had been separated due to a change in the course of the river centuries before. So it was also that until the modern era a shepherd's house on the so-called "Boller Holz" and a large farm (Rathswiehe) on the left bank of the Weser belonged to the parish of Arbergen.
This local heritage book forms the beginning of a series, which also covers the above-mentioned towns of the former parish Arbergen. It has been consciously limited to the families/persons who have lived in Bollen, while connections to the other places of the parish are noted, so that the connection to the other local heritage book is simple.
The local heritage books of the other places of the parish are now also all recorded up to the end of the 19th century, at the OFB Hemelingen (completed to about 1860 – a work in progress).
I used the Arbergen church books as sources, which were at first slightly sketchy, and were considered lost for decades because they were sent to a mine in Central Germany during the Second World War but, unlike Bremen archival material, did not reappear in the DDR Central State Archives in Potsdam. Instead surprisingly, in the wake of the "Perestroika" in the early 90s, they were retrieved from Moscow and sent to Bremen and were subsequently filmed and copied by the State Archives. However, some parts are completely unreadable, but fortunately I was able to reconstruct most of them.
I was able to fully evaluate the church books until 1877 (marriages), 1898 (births) and 1891 (deaths). Unfortunately, the church register with the marriages after 1877 so far has remained unfound, but in later documented births the names of the respective mothers are always listed.
This local heritage book Bollen includes many later families, possible through the meticulous work of the Bollener researcher Reinhard Dietrich, who has researched tirelessly on site and has also recorded the civil registry data existing after 1875. He must be especially thanked at this point. Should any data still be missing, I am grateful for additions at any time.
Furthermore, I utilized most of the sources in the State Archives of Lower Saxony for the time before the beginning of the church books with the help of Reinhard Dietrich, as well as the hard work done in earlier years by my friends Hermann Bruns (deceased) and Heinrich Martens, both of Arbergen, and Egon Feldmann, Mahndorf.
Finally, I was able to add a lot of data thanks to the files for the neighbouring Achim parish, which Ulrich Budler of Achim kindly made available.
Many other researchers helped out with data from neighbouring parishes such as Thedinghausen, Lunsen, Riede, Weyhe, Daverden, etc. I thank all of you and at the same time request any additions and / or corrections.
Bremen, July 2021
Heinz Früchtenicht
(Translation: Ben Hollister)