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Local heritage book of Schotterey
List of individuals

827 individual records were updated since 13.01.2017:

..., Eva Maria ✶ bef. 1784 (update)
..., Maria Dorothea ✶ bef. 1805 (update)
ABICHT, Johann Wilhelm ✶ abt. 1795 (update)
AHLIG, Friedrich Theodor ✶ 31 Jul 1868 (update)
ANGERMANN, Johanna Sophia Erdmuthe ✶ abt. 1808, † 02 Jan 1881 in Schotterey (update)
ANSPACH, Christian Ludwig ✶ 30 Jun 1835 in Schotterey (update)
ANSPACH, Christiana ✶ bef. 1815 (update)
ANSPACH, Franz Ferdinand ✶ 20 Sep 1846 in Schotterey (update)
ANSPACH, Friederike Emilie ✶ 05 Apr 1837 in Schotterey (update)
ANSPACH, Friederike Henriette ✶ 15 May 1833 in Schotterey (update)
ANSPACH, Friederike Wilhelmine ✶ 05 Aug 1841 in Schotterey (update)
ANSPACH, Friedrich Luis ✶ 24 Apr 1838 in Schotterey, † 20 Aug 1839 (update)
ANSPACH, Heinrich ✶ 12 Jun 1838 in Schotterey, † 20 Jun 1838 (update)
ANSPACH, Johann Carl ✶ bef. 1815 (update)
ANSPACH, Johann Friedrich August ✶ bef. 1810, † (vor 9/1857) (update)
ANSPACH, Johann Friedrich August ✶ 05 Mar 1834 in Schotterey (update)
ANSPACH, Johann Gottfried Friedrich ✶ 19 Sep 1836 in Schotterey (update)
ANSPACH, Johann Karl ✶ abt. 1829 (update)
ANSPACH, Johanna Maria ✶ bef. 1821 (update)
ANSPACH, Johanna Maria Rosina ✶ 01 Dec 1839 in Schotterey (update)
ANSPACH, Peter ✶ bef. 1790, † (vor 4/1837) (update)
APEL, Rosina Maria ✶ bef. 1792 (update)
ARNDT, Maria ✶ abt. 1805, † 07 Mar 1879 in Schotterey (update)
BACHMANN, Johanne Friederike ✶ 16 Mar 1826 in Niederwünsch (update)
BADER, Maria Rosina ✶ 1802 (update)
BAMBERG, Maria Rosina ✶ abt. 1824 (update)
BECKER, Carl Christian ✶ 1819 (update)
BECKER, Maria Rosina ✶ abt. 1806, † 19 May 1888 in Schotterey (update)
BEIER, Anna Maria ✶ bef. 1789 (update)
BERGER, Johanne Maria Rosina ✶ 1797, † 26 Jan 1872 in Schotterey (update)
BERGMANN, Eva Maria ✶ bef. 1820 (update)
BERGMANN, Johanne Christiane ✶ 1817 (update)
BEYER, Auguste ✶ bef. 1845 (update)
BEYER, Carl Friedrich ✶ 22 Aug 1835 in Schotterey (update)
BEYER, Carl Heinrich ✶ 09 Oct 1845 in Schotterey (update)
BEYER, Franz Gustav ✶ 05 Nov 1847 in Schotterey (update)
BEYER, Friedrich Wilhelm ✶ 10 Oct 1850 in Schotterey, † 19 Oct 1850 (update)
BEYER, Gottlieb ✶ bef. 1820, † bef. 1864 (update)
BEYER, Johann Christoph ✶ bef. 1794 (update)
BEYER, Johann Gottlieb ✶ bef. 1815, † bef. 1864 (update)
BEYER, Johanna Sophia ✶ abt. 1812, † 03 Feb 1878 in Schotterey (update)
BEYER, Johanne Rosine ✶ 30 Jan 1834 in Schotterey (update)
BEYER, Maria Dorothea ✶ 16 Jun 1838 in Schotterey (update)
BEYER, Maria Theresia ✶ 06 Feb 1841 in Schotterey (update)
BEYER, Wilhelmine Auguste ✶ 06 Mar 1843 in Schotterey, † 26 Mar 1874 in Schotterey (update)
BIENER, Auguste Henriette ✶ 13 Sep 1844 in Schotterey (update)
BIENER, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm ✶ abt. 1816, † 04 Apr 1882 in Schotterey (update)
BIENER, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm ✶ 25 Aug 1841 in Schotterey (update)
BIENER, Carl Ludwig ✶ 04 Apr 1848 in Schotterey, † 24 Apr 1848 (update)
BIENER, Henriette ✶ abt. 1811 (update)
BIENER, Herrmann Rudolph ✶ 07 Jul 1849 in Schotterey, † 27 Dec 1920 (update)
BIENER, Johann Elias ✶ bef. 1791 (update)
BIENER, Rosalie ✶ 07 Apr 1846 in Schotterey (update)
BIENER, totgeborener Sohn ✶ 24 Mar 1843 in Schotterey (update)
BISCHOFF, Andreas Carl ✶ 10 Dec 1849 in Schotterey, † 18 Aug 1866 (update)
BISCHOFF, Christiana Dorothea ✶ bef. 1797, † bef. 1840 (update)
BISCHOFF, Ferdinand ✶ 07 Oct 1836 in Schotterey (update)
BISCHOFF, Friederike Sophie ✶ 07 Feb 1840 in Schotterey (update)
BISCHOFF, Gottfried August ✶ bef. 1800, † (vor 10/1843) (update)
BISCHOFF, Johann Gottfried ✶ bef. 1810, † bef. 1881 (update)
BISCHOFF, Johanna Christiana ✶ 26 Feb 1843 in Schotterey, † 01 Mar 1843 (update)
BISCHOFF, Ludwig ✶ 07 Oct 1836 in Schotterey (update)
BISCHOFF, Rosine Caroline ✶ abt. 1828 (update)
BISCHOFF, Therese Anna Bertha ✶ 19 Jan 1869 in Schotterey (update)
BISCHOFF, totgeborene Tochter ✶ 31 Oct 1837 in Schotterey, † 31 Oct 1837 in Schotterey (update)
BISMANN, Christiane Auguste ✶ 1817 in Porbitz (update)
BOEGE, Wilhelm Franz ✶ 10 Aug 1846 (update)
BÖHME, Carl Friedrich ✶ 14 Oct 1836 in Schotterey (update)
BÖHME, Carl Heinrich ✶ 28 Sep 1840 in Schotterey (update)
BÖHME, Christiana Friederica ✶ 14 Nov 1834 in Schotterey (update)
BÖHME, Friedrich Carl ✶ abt. 1833, † bef. 1890 (update)
BÖHME, Friedrich Ferdinand ✶ 26 Sep 1843 in Schotterey (update)
BÖHME, Gustav Adolph ✶ 20 Nov 1842 in Schotterey (update)
BÖHME, Johann Karl ✶ bef. 1815, † (vor 5/1872) (update)
BÖHME, Karl August Gottfried ✶ 1804, † 15 Jul 1870 in Schotterey (update)
BÖHME, Maria Theresia ✶ 26 Oct 1846 in Schotterey (update)
BÖHME, Wilhelm August ✶ 30 Oct 1838 in Schotterey, † 10 Apr 1890 in Schotterey (update)
BOLTZE, Herrmann Ewald ✶ 22 Oct 1869 in Schotterey (update)
BOLTZE, Marie Selma ✶ 15 Mar 1874 in Schotterey (update)
BOLZE, Karl Friedrich ✶ 19 Jun 1808, † 01 Aug 1882 in Schotterey (update)
BORNHAKE, Johann Christian ✶ 1807, † (vor 9/1842) (update)
BORNHAKE, Johanne Wilhelmine Therese ✶ abt. 1831 (update)
BRAUER, August Wilhelm ✶ 24 Mar 1853 in Schotterey (update)
BRAUER, Johann Christian Carl ✶ abt. 1820 (update)
BRAUER, Johann Christoph ✶ bef. 1808 (update)
BRENDEL, Johanna Maria Eleonora ✶ abt. 1810 (update)
BRÖMME, Friedrich Karl ✶ abt. 1839 (update)
BRÖMME, Friedrich Karl ✶ 29 Oct 1869 in Schotterey (update)
BRUMME, Andreas Adam ✶ 1813, † 15 Feb 1873 in Schotterey (update)
BRUMME, Andreas Gottfried ✶ 10 Dec 1840 (update)
BRUMME, Bertha Anna ✶ 14 Jul 1880 in Schotterey (update)
BRUMME, Carl Eduard ✶ 24 Mar 1850 in Schotterey (update)
BRUMME, Carl Gottlob ✶ 03 Aug 1840 in Schotterey (update)
BRUMME, Christian ✶ 09 Sep 1834 in Schotterey (update)
BRUMME, Friederike Emma ✶ 19 Jul 1877 in Schotterey (update)
BRUMME, Friederike Henriette ✶ 14 Jul 1847 in Schotterey (update)
BRUMME, Friederike Pauline ✶ 29 Mar 1883 in Schotterey, † 02 Mar 1887 in Schotterey (update)
BRUMME, Friedrich August ✶ 1826, † 12 Nov 1879 in Schotterey (update)
BRUMME, Friedrich August ✶ bef. 1838 (update)
BRUMME, Friedrich August ✶ 02 Mar 1879 in Schotterey (update)
BRUMME, Friedrich Ferdinand ✶ 25 Nov 1843 in Schotterey (update)
BRUMME, Johann Adam ✶ bef. 1794 (update)
BRUMME, Johann Andreas ✶ abt. 1814, † (vor 05/1874) (update)
BRUMME, Johann August ✶ 31 Oct 1846 in Schotterey (update)
BRUMME, Johanna Christiana ✶ 1812, † 04 Feb 1875 in Schotterey (update)
BRUMME, Johanna Friederica ✶ 03 May 1849 in Schotterey (update)
BRUMME, Maria Dorothea ✶ bef. 1822, † bef. 1876 (update)
BRUMME, ungetaufter Sohn ✶ 02 Jul 1836 in Schotterey, † 09 Jul 1836 (update)
BUBAU, Johanne Elisabeth ✶ bef. 1790, † bef. 1822 (update)
BUBENDEI, Maria Elisabeth ✶ bef. 1790, † aft. 1845 (update)
BURKHARDT, Johanna Friederike ✶ 1813 (update)
BUSCHENDORF, Maria Rosina ✶ 1818 (update)
CONRAD, Friedrich ✶ abt. 1809 (update)
CONRAD, Johanne Caroline ✶ abt. 1828 (update)
DIETRICH, Johann Andreas ✶ 1814 (update)
DORNWASS, Friedrich August ✶ 17 Jan 1835 in Schotterey (update)
DORNWASS, Johann ✶ 29 Jan 1806, † 16 Sep 1884 in Schotterey (update)
DORNWASS, Johann Carl ✶ 09 Feb 1839 in Schotterey (update)
DORNWASS, Johann Friedrich Karl ✶ 01 Sep 1840 in Schotterey (update)
DORNWASS, Johanna Friederike ✶ 23 Sep 1833 in Schotterey (update)
DORNWASS, Johanna Rosina ✶ 27 Feb 1837 in Schotterey (update)
DORNWASS, Rosine ✶ bef. 1810, † (vor 11/1854) (update)
DORNWASS, Wilhelmine Auguste ✶ 13 Apr 1843 in Schotterey (update)
DURHOLD, Maria Dorothea ✶ bef. 1794, † aft. 1845 (update)
EBERT, Franz Albert ✶ 26 Sep 1843 in Schotterey (update)
EBERT, Johann Christian ✶ bef. 1809, † 1843 (update)
EBERT, Johann Christoph ✶ 1801 (update)
EBERT, Johanna Christiane ✶ bef. 1785 (update)
ECKART, Johann Gottlieb ✶ bef. 1829 (update)
EMMERICH, Johann Christoph ✶ bef. 1790, † (vor 9/1851) (update)
EMMERICH, Johann Christoph ✶ abt. 1820 (update)
EMMERICH, Maria Christiana Elisabeth ✶ 1808, † (nach 3/1872) (update)
ENGEL, Maria Sophia ✶ 1815, † 1866 in Schotterey (update)
ESCHKE, Christiane Friederike Wilhelmine ✶ abt. 1813, † bef. 1846 (update)
FINGER, Aurelia Auguste Albertine ✶ abt. 1816 (update)
FINGER, Bertha Amalia Concordia ✶ bef. 1814 (update)
FINGER, Carl Albert Friedrich ✶ 1818 (update)
FINGER, Carl Franz ✶ abt. 1801 (update)
FINGER, Friederike Wilhelmine Adelheid ✶ bef. 1812 (update)
FINGER, Gottlieb Ernst ✶ bef. 1798 (update)
FINKE, Maria Rosina ✶ bef. 1815 (update)
FISCHER, Dorothee Elisabeth ✶ bef. 1791 (update)
FLÖSSNER, Lina ✶ 21 Jan 1870 in Schotterey (update)
FRANCKE, Johann Christoph Eduard ✶ abt. 1830 (update)
FRANKE, Friedrich Wilhelm August ✶ bef. 1825 (update)
FRANKE, Johann Christian ✶ bef. 1800 (update)
FRAUENDORF, Gottfried Carl ✶ 1808 (update)
FRAUENDORF, Johann Gottfried ✶ abt. 1806 (update)
GAUL, Johanna Sophia ✶ bef. 1830, † (vor 12/1872) (update)
GAUL, Johanne Rosine ✶ 1816, † 12 Aug 1872 in Schotterey (update)
GEBHARDT, Christiana Maria ✶ 1829, † 03 Dec 1872 in Schotterey (update)
GESE, Amalie Henriette ✶ 25 Jul 1849 in Schotterey, † 06 Apr 1910 (update)
GESE, Friedrich Gottlob ✶ bef. 1830, † bef. 1869 (update)
GESE, Henriette Auguste ✶ 07 Nov 1846 in Schotterey, † 01 Jul 1909 in Großgräfendorf (update)
GESE, Johann Gottlob ✶ bef. 1825, † bef. 1872 (update)
GESE, Johann Gottlob ✶ 25 Dec 1851 in Schotterey (update)
GESE, Johanne Friederike ✶ abt. 1842, † 28 Oct 1885 in Schotterey (update)
GINGLER, Johann Friedrich ✶ abt. 1810 (update)
GÖTZE, Friederike ✶ abt. 1810 (update)
GOTSCH, Emma Rosina Friederica ✶ 05 Mar 1835 in Schotterey (update)
GOTSCH, Johann Christian Friedrich ✶ bef. 1815 (update)
GOTSCH, Johanna Christiana Rosina ✶ bef. 1808 (update)
GRÖBEL, Charlotte Auguste ✶ 12 Jan 1845 in Schotterey (update)
GRÖBEL, Erdmuthe Therese ✶ 21 Sep 1846 in Schotterey, † 19 Oct 1867 (update)
GRÖBEL, Friederike ✶ 26 Nov 1841 in Schotterey (update)
GRÖBEL, Friederike Auguste ✶ 27 Dec 1842 in Schotterey (update)
GRÖBEL, Friederike Henriette ✶ 17 Sep 1846 in Schotterey, † 19 Nov 1846 (update)
GRÖBEL, Friederike Wilhelmine ✶ bef. 1830 (update)
GRÖBEL, Friedrich August ✶ 28 Jun 1834 in Schotterey (update)
GRÖBEL, Henriette ✶ 31 Dec 1849 in Schotterey (update)
GRÖBEL, Johann Andreas ✶ bef. 1794, † (vor 7/1838) (update)
GRÖBEL, Johann Andreas ✶ 1796, † abt. 1849 (update)
GRÖBEL, Johann Andreas ✶ abt. 1812, † bef. 1851 (update)
GRÖBEL, Johann Andreas ✶ abt. 1821 (update)
GRÖBEL, Johann August ✶ 03 Oct 1840 in Schotterey (update)
GRÖBEL, Johann Friedrich ✶ 17 Feb 1845 in Schotterey, † 02 Jul 1887 in Schotterey (update)
GRÖBEL, Johann Friedrich August ✶ 1799, † 13 Apr 1857 in Schotterey (update)
GRÖBEL, Johann Gottlieb ✶ bef. 1800, † (vor 11/1841) (update)
GRÖBEL, Johann Gottlieb ✶ abt. 1818, † aft. 1889 (update)
GRÖBEL, Johanna Christiana ✶ 1795, † 20 Jul 1873 in Schotterey (update)
GRÖBEL, Johanna Rosina ✶ 29 Sep 1847 in Schotterey, † 24 Nov 1847 (update)
GRÖBEL, Johanne Auguste ✶ 07 Nov 1847 in Schotterey (update)
GRÖBEL, Johanne Friederike ✶ 17 Oct 1848 in Schotterey (update)
GRÖBEL, Johanne Friederike Henriette ✶ 10 Jan 1849 in Schotterey (update)
GRÖBEL, Maria Dorothea ✶ 08 Feb 1815, † 15 Sep 1889 in Schotterey (update)
GRÖBEL, Rosine Marie ✶ 19 Apr 1844 in Schotterey (update)
GRÖBEL, Söhnlein ✶ 03 Mar 1849 in Schotterey, † 03 Mar 1849 in Schotterey (update)
GRÖBEL, Sophia ✶ bef. 1781 (update)
GRÜNEBERG, Justina Friederike Karoline ✶ bef. 1825, † (vor 7/1868) (update)
GRUNERT, Caroline Wilhelmine ✶ bef. 1830 (update)
GÜNTHER, Carl Gustav ✶ 18 May 1844 in Schotterey (update)
GÜNTHER, Maria Charlotte ✶ abt. 1819 (update)
GÜRTLER, Johanne Elisabeth ✶ 1806, † 31 Jan 1886 in Schotterey (update)
HARNISCH, Johann August Carl ✶ 05 Apr 1835 in Schotterey (update)
HARNISCH, Johann Gottfried ✶ bef. 1807, † (vor 4/1860) (update)
HARNISCH, Johann Gottfried ✶ 22 Apr 1825, † 13 Jan 1893 in Schotterey (update)
HARNISCH, Johanna Marie Rosine ✶ abt. 1832 (update)
HARNISCH, Johanne Rosine Henriette ✶ abt. 1830 (update)
HARNISCH, Rosine Friederike ✶ bef. 1830 (update)
HARNISCH, Rosine Friederike ✶ 16 Nov 1848 in Schotterey (update)
HARTMANN, Georg Wilhelm ✶ abt. 1797 (update)
HASE, Therese Friederike ✶ abt. 1838 (update)
HECLAU, Gottlob ✶ bef. 1820, † (vor 5/1871) (update)
HEIDEL, Friedrich Carl ✶ 11 Sep 1850 in Schotterey (update)
HEIDEL, Friedrich Wilhelm Eduard ✶ abt. 1820, † bef. 1880 (update)
HEIDEL, Johann Adam ✶ bef. 1798, † aft. 1849 (update)
HEIDEL, Johann Carl Heinrich ✶ 1810 (update)
HEIDEL, Johann Carl Heinrich ✶ bef. 1822 (update)
HEIDEL, Johann Georg ✶ bef. 1794 (update)
HEIDEL, Johanna Christiane ✶ abt. 1816 (update)
HEIDEL, Johanna Friederike ✶ abt. 1812 (update)
HEIDEL, Johanna Friederike ✶ 02 Jan 1849 in Schotterey (update)
HEIDEL, Johanne Christiane Karoline ✶ 1812, † (vor 10/1872) (update)
HEIDEL, Maria Rosina ✶ 1816, † (vor 11/1854) (update)
HEINE, Johann Christian ✶ bef. 1805 (update)
HEINE, Johanna Friederike ✶ 1823, † (vor 6/1856) (update)
HEINRICH, August Ferdinand ✶ 11 Nov 1827, † 06 Sep 1893 in Schotterey (update)
HEINRICH, Carl Anton ✶ abt. 1809 (update)
HEINRICH, Friedrich Moritz ✶ 01 Feb 1854 in Schotterey (update)
HEINRICH, Friedrich Moritz ✶ bef. 1874 (update)
HEINRICH, Friedrich Wilhelm ✶ 09 Nov 1848 in Schotterey, † 09 Feb 1850 (update)
HEINRICH, Friedrich Wilhelm ✶ 13 Jan 1851 in Schotterey (update)
HEINRICH, Johann Carl Friedrich ✶ bef. 1810, † (vor 11/1840) (update)
HEINRICH, Johann Christian ✶ bef. 1794, † bef. 1845 (update)
HEINRICH, Johann Gottlob ✶ 1819, † bef. 1853 (update)
HEINRICH, Johann Gottlob Luis ✶ 24 Apr 1845 in Schotterey (update)
HEINRICH, Johanna Christiana ✶ abt. 1822 (update)
HEINRICH, Johanne Marie Dorothee Henriette ✶ 24 Dec 1846 in Schotterey (update)
HEINRICH, Juliane Henriette Wilhelmine ✶ 25 Feb 1814, † 16 Aug 1894 in Schotterey (update)
HEKLAU, Carl August ✶ 09 Jun 1841 in Schotterey (update)
HEKLAU, Friederike Rosette ✶ 31 Oct 1839 in Schotterey (update)
HELLMUTH, Caroline Auguste ✶ 12 Jan 1847 in Schotterey (update)
HELLMUTH, Friedrich August ✶ 1814, † 13 Apr 1877 in Schotterey (update)
HELLMUTH, Friedrich Carl ✶ 10 Aug 1842 in Schotterey, † 27 Nov 1885 in Schotterey (update)
HELLMUTH, Johanne Friederike ✶ 21 Apr 1845 in Schotterey, † 15 Aug 1845 (update)
HELLMUTH, ungetaufter Sohn ✶ 24 May 1840 in Schotterey, † 25 May 1840 (update)
HENSCHEL, Auguste Wilhelmine ✶ 29 Jun 1844 in Schotterey (update)
HENSCHEL, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm ✶ 1820 (update)
HERRMANN, Carl August ✶ 13 Apr 1847 in Schotterey, † 01 May 1847 (update)
HERRMANN, Christiana Friederica ✶ 07 Apr 1833 in Schotterey (update)
HERRMANN, Christiana Friederika ✶ bef. 1825 (update)
HERRMANN, Friederike ✶ bef. 1817 (update)
HERRMANN, Friederike Auguste ✶ 24 Jan 1843 in Schotterey (update)
HERRMANN, Friederike Henriette ✶ 06 Jun 1838 in Schotterey (update)
HERRMANN, Friederike Henriette ✶ 30 Apr 1848 in Schotterey (update)
HERRMANN, Friedrich Carl ✶ 23 Aug 1843 in Schotterey (update)
HERRMANN, Friedrich Ferdinand ✶ 16 Aug 1840 in Schotterey (update)
HERRMANN, Friedrich Ferdinand ✶ 17 Jul 1845 in Schotterey (update)
HERRMANN, Friedrich Ferdinand ✶ 26 Dec 1845 in Schotterey (update)
HERRMANN, Johann Carl ✶ bef. 1800, † (vor 4/1835) (update)
HERRMANN, Johann Carl ✶ 11 Mar 1835 in Schotterey (update)
HERRMANN, Johann Christoph ✶ bef. 1800 (update)
HERRMANN, Johann Friedrich Ferdinand ✶ 18 Jul 1807, † 07 Aug 1891 in Schotterey (update)
HERRMANN, Johanna ✶ 30 Oct 1834 in Schotterey (update)
HERRMANN, Johanna Sophia ✶ bef. 1829 (update)
HERRMANN, Johanne Sophie ✶ 29 Nov 1809, † 09 Aug 1891 in Schotterey (update)
HESSELBARTH, Friedrich Wilhelm ✶ 06 Dec 1837 in Schotterey (update)
HESSELBARTH, Johann Andreas ✶ abt. 1812 (update)
HESSELBARTH, Johanna Dorothea ✶ 17 Dec 1834 in Schotterey (update)
HESSELBARTH, Marie Dorothea ✶ 21 Sep 1816, † 26 Nov 1890 in Schotterey (update)
HILDEBRAND, Friedrich Wilhelm ✶ 01 Aug 1835 in Schotterey (update)
HILDEBRAND, Johann Christoph ✶ bef. 1793, † (vor 7/1836) (update)
HILDEBRAND, Johanna Maria ✶ 1813 (update)
HILDEBRAND, Johanna Maria Christiana ✶ abt. 1811 (update)
HOBE, Maria Regina ✶ 1812, † 16 Nov 1874 in Schotterey (update)
HÖDEL, Gottlob ✶ bef. 1810 (update)
HÖDEL, Johann Gottlob ✶ 1788, † 15 Oct 1871 in Schotterey (update)
HÖDEL, Johanna Henriette ✶ 04 Aug 1840 in Schotterey (update)
HÖDEL, Johanna Maria Auguste ✶ 25 Jul 1845 in Schotterey (update)
HÖDEL, Johanna Wilhelmina ✶ 07 Aug 1842 in Schotterey (update)
HÖDEL, Johanne Friederike ✶ (um 1828/29), † 21 May 1895 in Schotterey (update)
HÖDEL, Johanne Friederike ✶ 01 May 1850 in Schotterey (update)
HÖDEL, Wilhelmina ✶ 01 Feb 1839 in Schotterey (update)
HOFFMANN, Auguste Emilie ✶ 06 Aug 1855 in Schotterey (update)
HOFFMANN, Auguste Marie ✶ 06 Dec 1848 in Schotterey (update)
HOFFMANN, Auguste Minna ✶ 01 Jan 1867 in Schotterey, † 07 Jul 1867 (update)
HOFFMANN, Carl Friedrich ✶ 30 May 1851 in Schotterey, † 15 Jun 1913 (update)
HOFFMANN, Christian ✶ 1819 (update)
HOFFMANN, Christiane Marie Bertha ✶ abt. 1843 (update)
HOFFMANN, Emilie Auguste ✶ 15 Jun 1853 in Schotterey, † 20 Jul 1853 in Schotterey (update)
HOFFMANN, Emma Alwine ✶ 27 Jan 1871 in Schotterey (update)
HOFFMANN, Friederike Auguste ✶ 06 Feb 1850 in Schotterey, † 05 May 1851 (update)
HOFFMANN, Friedrich Karl ✶ abt. 1818, † 17 Nov 1881 in Schotterey (update)
HOFFMANN, Friedrich Wilhelm ✶ 22 May 1852 in Schotterey (update)
HOFFMANN, Heinrich Ferdinand ✶ 03 Oct 1854 in Schotterey, † 02 Apr 1855 (update)
HOFFMANN, Henriette Amalie ✶ 27 Jul 1849 in Schotterey (update)
HOFFMANN, Johanne Wilhelmine ✶ 15 Sep 1806 in Oberwünsch (update)
HOFFMANN, Karl Gustav ✶ 23 Aug 1864 in Schotterey, † 13 Jan 1865 (update)
HOFFMANN, Pauline Therese ✶ 22 Jun 1856 in Schotterey, † 17 Jul 1856 (update)
HOFFMANN, Rosine Henriette ✶ abt. 1826 (update)
HOFMANN, Adolph Bernhard ✶ 12 May 1838 in Schotterey, † 05 Sep 1838 (update)
HOFMANN, Johanna ✶ bef. 1820 (update)
HOFMANN, Rosine Henriette ✶ abt. 1813 (update)
HÜLSE, Dorothea Sophie ✶ abt. 1807, † (vor 5/1882) (update)
JAEGER, Johann Gottfried ✶ abt. 1808 (update)
JÄNICKE, Andreas Christoph Gottfried ✶ bef. 1812 (update)
JÄNICKE, Auguste Charlotte Rosine ✶ 03 Oct 1844 in Schotterey (update)
JÄNICKE, Carl Gustav ✶ 05 Jun 1842 in Schotterey (update)
JÄNICKE, Carl Heinrich ✶ 25 Nov 1837 in Schotterey, † 27 Feb 1839 (update)
JÄNICKE, Friederike Henriette ✶ 25 Aug 1839 in Schotterey (update)
JÄNICKE, Friedrich Wilhelm ✶ 24 Jan 1836 in Schotterey (update)
JÄNICKE, Julius Carl ✶ 31 May 1834 in Schotterey (update)
JAHN, Christian ✶ bef. 1800, † (vor 5/1836) (update)
JAHN, Johanna Carolina ✶ 09 May 1836 in Schotterey (update)
JAHN, Johanna Friederike ✶ 1819 (update)
JAHN, Johanne Marie Elosine ✶ bef. 1818 (update)
JAHN, Maria Dorothea ✶ bef. 1787 (update)
JEDERMANN, Johann Christian ✶ 1821 (update)
JÜGLER, Johann Friedrich ✶ abt. 1809 (update)
JUNGHANS, Marianne ✶ bef. 1830 (update)
JUST, Emilie Christiana ✶ bef. 1822 (update)
JUST, Friederike ✶ 1829 (update)
JUST, Friedrich August Carl ✶ 13 Feb 1840 in Schotterey (update)
JUST, Friedrich Carl ✶ 13 Feb 1849 in Schotterey, † 09 Jul 1849 (update)
JUST, Henrietta ✶ abt. 1826 (update)
JUST, Johann Christoph ✶ bef. 1808, † (vor 9/1843) (update)
JUST, Johann Gottlieb Friedrich ✶ 05 Jun 1847 in Schotterey (update)
JUST, Johanna Dorothea ✶ 1819 (update)
JUST, Johanne Rosine ✶ bef. 1826 (update)
KARGUTH, Carl August ✶ 06 Jul 1833 in Schotterey (update)
KARGUTH, Carl Gustav ✶ 12 Jan 1838 in Schotterey, † 19 Feb 1842 (update)
KARGUTH, Carl Heinrich ✶ 15 Aug 1840 in Schotterey (update)
KARGUTH, Carl Otto ✶ 12 Jan 1838 in Schotterey, † 20 Mar 1840 (update)
KARGUTH, Eduard ✶ 06 May 1838 in Schotterey, † 12 Jan 1842 (update)
KARGUTH, Emilie Henriette ✶ 06 Mar 1845 in Schotterey (update)
KARGUTH, Friederike Charlotte ✶ 06 Nov 1840 in Schotterey (update)
KARGUTH, Friederike Henriette ✶ 18 Sep 1847 in Schotterey (update)
KARGUTH, Friederike Wilhelmine ✶ 16 May 1840 in Schotterey (update)
KARGUTH, Friedrich August ✶ bef. 1810, † bef. 1864 (update)
KARGUTH, Friedrich August ✶ bef. 1810, † bef. 1851 (update)
KARGUTH, Friedrich Ferdinand ✶ 04 Jul 1834 in Schotterey (update)
KARGUTH, Friedrich Ferdinand ✶ 01 Sep 1843 in Schotterey (update)
KARGUTH, Friedrich Wilhelm ✶ 20 Sep 1834 in Schotterey (update)
KARGUTH, Friedrich Wilhelm ✶ 29 Jul 1835 in Schotterey (update)
KARGUTH, Johann Andreas ✶ bef. 1794 (update)
KARGUTH, Johann Andreas ✶ 29 Sep 1837 in Schotterey (update)
KARGUTH, Johann Carl ✶ 06 Mar 1837 in Schotterey, † 27 Apr 1837 (update)
KARGUTH, Johann Christian Andreas ✶ bef. 1819 (update)
KARGUTH, Johann Friedrich Carl ✶ bef. 1812 (update)
KARGUTH, Johann Karl Friedrich ✶ abt. 1811 (update)
KARGUTH, Johann Louis ✶ 24 Sep 1842 in Schotterey (update)
KARGUTH, Maria Friederika ✶ 17 Nov 1841 in Schotterey (update)
KARGUTH, Maria Rosina ✶ 1811 (update)
KARGUTH, Therese ✶ 16 Jan 1845 in Schotterey (update)
KARGUTH, totgeborenes Söhnchen ✶ 16 Jun 1839 in Schotterey, † 16 Jun 1839 in Schotterey (update)
KEILFELD, Johanne Friederike ✶ 1816 (update)
KEUBLER, Johann Andreas ✶ 1805, † (vor 7/1833) (update)
KLEINSCHMIDT, Rosina Maria ✶ 1811 (update)
KLINZ, Johann Karl August ✶ bef. 1822 (update)
KLINZ, Johanna Karoline ✶ abt. 1821 (update)
KLUGE, Johann Gottlieb ✶ bef. 1784 (update)
KLUGE, Johanna Sophie ✶ abt. 1812 (update)
KNABE, Amalie Minna ✶ 31 Aug 1849 in Schotterey (update)
KNABE, Wilhelm Leberecht ✶ bef. 1830 (update)
KNICKMEIER, Auguste Friederike Henriette ✶ 1812 (update)
KÖKE, August Ferdinand ✶ 10 Feb 1843 in Schotterey (update)
KÖKE, Carl Heinrich ✶ 19 Sep 1838 in Schotterey (update)
KÖKE, Friederike Auguste ✶ 09 Mar 1848 in Schotterey (update)
KÖKE, Friedrich August ✶ 14 Apr 1845 in Schotterey (update)
KÖKE, Johann Andreas ✶ 18 Jun 1845 in Schotterey (update)
KÖKE, Johann August ✶ bef. 1810, † bef. 1869 (update)
KÖKE, Johann Carl ✶ 19 Dec 1834 in Schotterey (update)
KÖKE, Johann Christian ✶ bef. 1785 (update)
KÖKE, Johann Christian ✶ 1809 (update)
KÖKE, Johann Christian Karl ✶ 1799, † 22 Jun 1876 in Schotterey (update)
KÖKE, Johann Ferdinand ✶ 04 Oct 1839 in Schotterey (update)
KÖKE, Johann Friedrich ✶ 17 Jan 1834 in Schotterey, † 23 Jan 1834 (update)
KÖKE, Johann Friedrich ✶ 10 Nov 1836 in Schotterey (update)
KÖKE, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm ✶ 21 Aug 1835 in Schotterey (update)
KÖKE, Johann Gottlob ✶ 26 Apr 1846 in Schotterey, † 10 Jul 1846 (update)
KÖKE, Johann Heinrich ✶ 22 Feb 1836 in Schotterey (update)
KÖKE, Johann Karl ✶ 18 Apr 1833 in Schotterey (update)
KÖKE, Johann Wilhelm ✶ 31 Aug 1841 in Schotterey (update)
KÖKE, Johanna Wilhelmina ✶ 31 Jul 1843 in Schotterey, † 12 Apr 1886 in Schotterey (update)
KÖKE, Maria Christiana ✶ bef. 1794 (update)
KÖKE, Maria Elisabeth ✶ abt. 1803 (update)
KÖKE, Maria Rosina ✶ 18 Jul 1837 in Schotterey (update)
KÖRNER, Joh. Christiane Eleonore ✶ bef. 1800 (update)
KÖTTERITZSCH, Maria Catharina ✶ bef. 1791 (update)
KOLBE, Wilhelmine Henriette ✶ 11 Sep 1849 in Schotterey (update)
KOLEFLEISCH, Maria Henriette ✶ bef. 1827, † bef. Mar 1870 (update)
KRÄHHAHN, Johanna Christiana ✶ bef. 1820 (update)
KRANEIS, Johann Michael ✶ 1819 (update)
KRAUSE, Friederike Henriette ✶ abt. 1826 (update)
KRAUSE, Rosine Maria ✶ abt. 1820 (update)
KRUMBHOLZ, Johann Wilhelm ✶ abt. 1777 in Rauschwitz, † (vor 7/1842) (update)
KÜNZEL, Johann Andreas ✶ bef. 1810 (update)
KÜNZEL, Johann Ferdinand ✶ 22 Nov 1836 in Schotterey (update)
KÜNZEL, Johanna Rosina ✶ 08 Mar 1839 in Schotterey (update)
KÜNZEL, Johanne Christiane ✶ bef. 1794 (update)
KÜNZEL, Johanne Sophie ✶ 19 Nov 1833 in Schotterey (update)
KUHBLANK, Johann August ✶ 1817 (update)
KUHFUSS, Auguste Wilhelmine ✶ 09 Jul 1844 in Schotterey (update)
KUHFUSS, Christiana Erdmuthe ✶ 10 Jan 1840 in Schotterey (update)
KUHFUSS, Friederike Concordia ✶ 22 Mar 1841 in Schotterey (update)
KUHFUSS, Friedrich ✶ bef. 1797, † bef. 1840 (update)
KUHFUSS, Friedrich Carl ✶ 01 Aug 1849 in Schotterey, † 18 Aug 1849 (update)
KUHFUSS, Johann Gottlieb Ferdinand ✶ 1815, † 27 Feb 1880 in Schotterey (update)
KUHFUSS, Wilhelmine Bertha ✶ 23 Oct 1861 in Schotterey, † 17 May 1862 (update)
KUHFUSS, Wilhelmine Henriette ✶ 13 Jun 1848 in Schotterey, † 22 Jun 1848 (update)
KUNTH, Antonia Maria Helena ✶ 16 May 1835 in Schotterey (update)
KUNTH, Ottomar Friedrich ✶ 06 May 1833 in Schotterey (update)
KUNTH, Ottomar Friedrich Rudolph ✶ bef. 1815 (update)
KUNTH, Thamar Johanna ✶ 27 May 1834 in Schotterey, † 02 Aug 1834 (update)
LANGENTHAL, Amalia ✶ bef. 1800, † bef. 1847 (update)
LANGROCK, Maria Rosina ✶ bef. 1815 (update)
LAUCH, Friederike Charlotte ✶ 1802, † 05 Aug 1870 in Schotterey (update)
LAUE, August Wilhelm ✶ 02 Oct 1841 in Schotterey (update)
LAUE, Auguste Amalie ✶ 07 Apr 1846 in Schotterey, † 30 Jul 1846 (update)
LAUE, Heinrich Christoph ✶ 1818 (update)
LAUE, Heinrich Christoph ✶ 13 Aug 1843 in Schotterey (update)
LAUE, Johann Christian ✶ abt. 1839 (update)
LAUE, Johann Christoph ✶ bef. 1800, † bef. 1841 (update)
LAUE, totgeborenes Söhnlein ✶ 07 Apr 1846 in Schotterey, ▭ 09 Apr 1846 (update)
LAUTENSCHLÄGER, Eva Maria ✶ bef. 1817 (update)
LAUTENSCHLÄGER, Maria ✶ 02 Feb 1810 in Obereichstädt (update)
LAUTENSCHLÄGER, Reinhold Herrmann ✶ 17 Oct 1849 in Schotterey (update)
LAUTENSCHLÄGER, Rosine Christiane ✶ bef. 1809, † (nach 7/1857) (update)
LEHMANN, Gottlob Wilhelm ✶ abt. 1827 (update)
LEHMANN, Maria Amalia ✶ abt. 1822 (update)
LEHMANN, Maria Dorothea Friederike ✶ 07 Dec 1820, † 27 Jun 1895 in Schotterey (update)
LEHMANN, Maria Dorothea Henriette ✶ abt. 1818 (update)
LEIBNITZ, Johann Carl ✶ 1816 (update)
LINDAU, Johanne Auguste ✶ abt. 1817 (update)
LINDAU, Maria Sophia ✶ 1801, † 20 Jun 1876 in Schotterey (update)
LISTING, Friedrich Wilhelm ✶ 14 Jan 1852 in Schotterey (update)
LÖSCHER, Auguste ✶ 31 Mar 1833 in Schotterey, † 11 Mar 1834 (update)
LÖSCHER, Ludwig ✶ bef. 1806, † (vor 7/1875) (update)
LÖSCHER, Luise Sidonie ✶ 31 Mar 1833 in Schotterey, † 19 Aug 1833 (update)
LÜDERS, Johann Friedrich ✶ abt. 1820 (update)
LÜDIGKE, Christoph Wilhelm ✶ 1808 (update)
LÜDIGKE, Friederike Therese Emilie ✶ 14 Aug 1843 in Schotterey (update)
LÜDIGKE, Henriette Emilie ✶ 03 Apr 1846 in Schotterey, † 20 Jul 1846 (update)
LÜDIGKE, Henriette Lina ✶ 10 Jul 1847 in Schotterey (update)
LÜDIGKE, Sophie Charlotte Auguste ✶ 11 Nov 1844 in Schotterey (update)
LÜTZKENDORF, Maria Dorothea ✶ bef. 1804 (update)
MACHETANZ, Johanna Sophia ✶ bef. 1784 (update)
MEIER, Friedrich Theodor ✶ abt. 1852 (update)
MEIER, Richard Theodor ✶ 27 Mar 1878 in Schotterey (update)
MENDE, Carl Wilhelm ✶ abt. 1806 (update)
MENNICKE, Auguste Friederike ✶ 16 Jul 1841 in Schotterey (update)
MENNICKE, Auguste Wilhelmine ✶ 16 Oct 1848 in Schotterey, † 21 Aug 1911 (update)
MENNICKE, Carl Moritz ✶ 27 Jun 1846 in Schotterey, † 25 Apr 1847 (update)
MENNICKE, Friedrich Heinrich ✶ 06 Apr 1838 in Schotterey (update)
MENNICKE, Johann Friedrich Erdmann ✶ 09 Dec 1808, † 08 Oct 1892 in Schotterey (update)
MENNICKE, Johanna Rosina ✶ 12 Aug 1836 in Schotterey (update)
MENNICKE, Wilhelmine Henriette ✶ 01 Jan 1852 in Schotterey (update)
MEYER, Johann Friedrich ✶ 12 Sep 1848 in Schotterey (update)
MEYER, Johann Friedrich ✶ bef. 1859 (update)
MEYER, Johann Gottlob ✶ bef. 1820 (update)
MEYER, Johanna Henriette ✶ 06 Nov 1845 in Schotterey (update)
MIETHE, Maria Christiana ✶ bef. 1815 (update)
MÜLLER, Andreas Gottfried ✶ abt. 1817, † (nach 4/1882) (update)
MÜLLER, Auguste Wilhelmine ✶ 11 Jun 1848 in Schotterey (update)
MÜLLER, Erdmuthe ✶ bef. 1794 (update)
MÜLLER, Friederike Luise ✶ 11 Apr 1843 in Schotterey, † 26 Apr 1843 (update)
MÜLLER, Friedrich Bernhard ✶ 04 Mar 1844 in Schotterey, † 25 Mar 1844 (update)
MÜLLER, Friedrich Herrmann ✶ 08 Mar 1845 in Schotterey, † 07 Jun 1845 (update)
MÜLLER, Gustav Adolph ✶ 10 Jun 1849 in Schotterey, † 18 Aug 1850 (update)
MÜLLER, Henriette Wilhelmine ✶ 25 Nov 1846 in Schotterey (update)
MÜLLER, Johanna Christiana ✶ bef. 1810 (update)
MÜLLER, Johanna Sophia ✶ bef. 1805 (update)
MÜLLER, Johanna Sophia ✶ abt. 1818, † 19 May 1878 in Schotterey (update)
MÜLLER, Ludwig Eduard ✶ 05 Jul 1850 in Schotterey, † 07 Sep 1850 (update)
MUNKELT, Rosina Maria ✶ bef. 1815 (update)
MYLICH, Caroline ✶ 1821 (update)
NÄGLER, Friedrich Heinrich ✶ bef. 1820 (update)
NÄGLER, Johanna Sophia ✶ 18 Feb 1845 in Schotterey (update)
NETTE, Johann Andreas ✶ bef. 1798 (update)
NETTE, Johanna Christiane Sophie ✶ 1816, † (nach 3/1882) (update)
NETTE, Johanne Christiane Rosine ✶ abt. 1812, † (vor 6/1878) (update)
NICOLAI, Carl ✶ bef. 1863 (update)
NICOLAI, Christiana Regina Amalie ✶ abt. 1811 (update)
OEHLERT, Johann Andreas ✶ bef. 1816, † bef. 1846 (update)
OEHLERT, Karoline Christiane Adelheid ✶ abt. 1834 (update)
OEHMISCH, Johanna Friederike ✶ 1818 (update)
OTTO, Christoph Friedrich ✶ abt. 1802 (update)
OTTO, Johann August ✶ bef. 1804 (update)
OTTO, Johanna Maria Dorothea ✶ abt. 1822 (update)
PARTIER, Hedwig ✶ bef. 1874 (update)
PEGE, Johanna Sophia ✶ abt. 1802, † 02 Aug 1834 in Schotterey (update)
PFEIFFER, Maria Magdalena ✶ bef. 1794 (update)
PÖNIKE, Johann Gottlob ✶ abt. 1793, † 25 Jun 1880 in Schotterey (update)
PÖNIKE, Johann Ludwig ✶ 05 Jun 1848 in Schotterey, † 09 Jan 1872 (update)
PÖNIKE, Johann Luis ✶ 06 Aug 1841 in Schotterey (update)
PÖNIKE, Johanna Christiana ✶ 05 Sep 1838 in Schotterey (update)
PÖNIKE, Johanna Friederika ✶ 08 Dec 1844 in Schotterey (update)
PÖNIKE, Maria Elisabeth ✶ bef. 1794, † (vor 7/1838) (update)
POLLMÄCHER, Gustav ✶ 22 Jul 1834 in Schotterey (update)
POLLMÄCHER, Gustav Heinrich ✶ 21 Dec 1836 in Schotterey (update)
POLLMÄCHER, Johann Julius ✶ bef. 1800 (update)
POLLMÄCHER, Minna ✶ 07 Nov 1835 in Schotterey (update)
QUASDORF, Eva Maria ✶ 1820 (update)
QUASDORF, Johanna Sophia ✶ bef. 1820 (update)
RATSCH, Maria Regina ✶ 1803, † 10 Mar 1872 in Schotterey (update)
RATZKOFSKY, Clara Elisabeth ✶ bef. 1848 (update)
RAUCH, Maria Rosina ✶ 1807, † 17 Apr 1879 in Schotterey (update)
RAUCHFUß, Marie Christiane ✶ 1821 (update)
REIBAND, Johanne Christiane ✶ 1823 (update)
REINHARDT, Carl Ferdinand ✶ 27 Jan 1849 in Schotterey (update)
REINHARDT, Friederike Wilhelmine ✶ 24 Dec 1844 in Schotterey, † 09 Apr 1872 in Schotterey (update)
REINHARDT, Karl August ✶ bef. 1827, † (vor 5/1857) (update)
REINHARDT, Marie Friederike ✶ 10 Jan 1847 in Schotterey (update)
REINKNECHT, Andreas ✶ bef. 1807, † (vor 8/1855) (update)
REINKNECHT, Hanna Maria ✶ bef. 1806 (update)
REINKNECHT, Johann Andreas ✶ abt. 1825, † 18 Apr 1876 in Oberwünsch (update)
REINKNECHT, Johanne Dorothea ✶ bef. 1808, † (vor 9/1843) (update)
RICHTER, Auguste Bertha ✶ 21 Dec 1840 in Schotterey (update)
RICHTER, Bernhard Emil ✶ 27 May 1847 in Schotterey, † 22 Aug 1847 (update)
RICHTER, Bertha ✶ 06 Jan 1843 in Schotterey, † 06 Jan 1843 (update)
RICHTER, Carl Ferdinand ✶ 24 Sep 1844 in Schotterey (update)
RICHTER, Emil Otto ✶ 17 Nov 1848 in Schotterey, † 19 Apr 1850 (update)
RICHTER, Gustav Alwin ✶ 17 Jan 1851 in Schotterey (update)
RICHTER, Hugo ✶ 08 Jul 1856 in Schotterey, † 21 Dec 1856 (update)
RICHTER, Karl Ferdinand ✶ abt. 1815 (update)
RICHTER, Rosine Marie ✶ 1816 (update)
RICHTER, Therese Agnes ✶ 10 Jun 1839 in Schotterey (update)
RICHTER, totgeborener Sohn ✶ 01 Nov 1843 in Schotterey, ▭ 02 Nov 1843 in Schotterey (update)
RINDELHARDT, Johanna Friederike ✶ bef. 1820 (update)
RINDELHARDT, Johanne Charlotte ✶ bef. 1812, † (vor 12/1853) (update)
RITZSCHKE, Christian Friedrich ✶ bef. 1809 (update)
RÖßLER, Friedrich Gottlob ✶ abt. 1802 (update)
RÖSSLER, Johanna Erdmuthe ✶ abt. 1842 (update)
ROHKRÄMER, Ida Emilie ✶ abt. 1823 (update)
ROSENKRANZ, Johanne Auguste Wilhelmine ✶ 1824 (update)
ROST, Johanne Friederike ✶ bef. 1808 (update)
SAALBORN, Daniel ✶ 1814 (update)
SACHSE, Eva Maria ✶ abt. 1822, † 14 Jul 1894 in Schotterey (update)
SCHAAF, Marie Therese ✶ abt. 1836 (update)
SCHACH, Maria Rosina ✶ bef. 1804, † (nach 11/1846) (update)
SCHAUM, Christian Friedrich ✶ abt. 1787, † abt. 1838 (update)
SCHAUM, totgeborenes Söhnlein ✶ 16 Jun 1838 in Schotterey, † 16 Jun 1838 in Schotterey (update)
SCHIELE, Johanna Dorothea Friederike ✶ bef. 1830 (update)
SCHIMPF, August Ferdinand ✶ 16 Jun 1849 in Schotterey (update)
SCHIMPF, Carl Friedrich ✶ 28 Mar 1836 in Schotterey (update)
SCHIMPF, Carl Friedrich ✶ bef. 1875 (update)
SCHIMPF, Christiane Friederike ✶ 1802, † 26 Feb 1881 in Schotterey (update)
SCHIMPF, Friederike Auguste ✶ 17 Sep 1844 in Schotterey (update)
SCHIMPF, Friedrich August ✶ abt. 1832 (update)
SCHIMPF, Friedrich Franz ✶ 14 May 1839 in Schotterey, † 07 Nov 1909 (update)
SCHIMPF, Friedrich Herrmann ✶ 08 May 1846 in Schotterey, † 25 Jul 1846 (update)
SCHIMPF, Friedrich Karl ✶ abt. 1830 (update)
SCHIMPF, Gustav Carl ✶ 19 Jun 1841 in Schotterey (update)
SCHIMPF, Ida Lina ✶ 17 May 1893 in Schotterey (update)
SCHIMPF, Johann Carl ✶ 19 Nov 1842 in Schotterey (update)
SCHIMPF, Johann Carl Friedrich ✶ 06 Jul 1834 in Schotterey (update)
SCHIMPF, Johann Friedrich ✶ bef. 1818, † (vor 08/1874) (update)
SCHIMPF, Johann Gottlob ✶ bef. 1812 (update)
SCHIMPF, Johann Karl ✶ 19 Dec 1837 in Schotterey (update)
SCHIMPF, Johann Samuel ✶ bef. 1810 (update)
SCHIMPF, Johanna Friederica ✶ 26 Apr 1834 in Schotterey (update)
SCHIMPF, Johanna Friederica ✶ 04 May 1836 in Schotterey (update)
SCHIMPF, Johanne Christiane ✶ 1803, † 05 Jul 1876 in Schotterey (update)
SCHIMPF, Johanne Maria Rosine ✶ 1799, † 21 Jun 1876 in Schotterey (update)
SCHIMPF, Marie Rosine ✶ 17 Sep 1828, † 11 Mar 1883 in Schotterey (update)
SCHIMPF, totgeborene Tochter ✶ 19 Jan 1837 in Schotterey, † 19 Jan 1837 in Schotterey (update)
SCHIMPF, totgeborenes Söhnlein ✶ 09 Mar 1834 in Schotterey, † 09 Mar 1834 in Schotterey (update)
SCHIMPF, totgeborenes Töchterlein ✶ 12 Jul 1840 in Schotterey (update)
SCHIMPF, Wilhelmine Henriette ✶ 07 Nov 1837 in Schotterey (update)
SCHIMPF, Wilhelmine Henriette ✶ 06 Aug 1839 in Schotterey (update)
SCHINKE, Christiana Friederike ✶ 1821, † 31 Mar 1874 in Schotterey (update)
SCHINKE, Friedrich Wilhelm ✶ 01 Aug 1850 in Schotterey, † 25 May 1916 (update)
SCHINKE, Henriette Wilhelmine ✶ 1816 (update)
SCHINKE, Maria Christiana ✶ bef. 1810 (update)
SCHLEGEL, Amalie Henriette Friederike ✶ bef. 1830 (update)
SCHLEGEL, Carl August ✶ 17 Nov 1835 in Schotterey (update)
SCHLEGEL, Johann Karl August ✶ 07 Sep 1797, † 04 Jan 1883 in Schotterey (update)
SCHLEGEL, Johann Samuel Eduard ✶ abt. 1824 (update)
SCHLEGEL, Johanna Rosina ✶ 17 May 1838 in Schotterey (update)
SCHLEGEL, Johanne Emilie ✶ 09 Nov 1834 in Schotterey (update)
SCHMIDT, Auguste Henriette ✶ 20 Sep 1844 in Schotterey (update)
SCHMIDT, Carl Gustav ✶ 14 Oct 1839 in Schotterey (update)
SCHMIDT, Christiana Friederica ✶ 17 Jan 1843 in Schotterey (update)
SCHMIDT, Ferdinand Heinrich ✶ bef. 1830 (update)
SCHMIDT, Friederike Wilhelmine ✶ 14 Jan 1840 in Schotterey (update)
SCHMIDT, Friedrich Carl ✶ 07 Jan 1849 in Schotterey, † 14 Aug 1850 (update)
SCHMIDT, Friedrich Carl Heinrich ✶ 20 Mar 1837 in Schotterey (update)
SCHMIDT, Heinrich Gustav ✶ 20 Jan 1862 in Schotterey, † 10 Jun 1862 (update)
SCHMIDT, Henriette Charlotte ✶ 31 Dec 1850 in Schotterey (update)
SCHMIDT, Johann Andreas ✶ bef. 1789, † (vor 5/1833) (update)
SCHMIDT, Johann Carl Friedrich ✶ 26 Nov 1820 in Niederwünsch (update)
SCHMIDT, Johann Friedrich ✶ bef. 1815, † (vor 12/1862) (update)
SCHMIDT, Johann Friedrich Karl ✶ bef. 1805, † 13 Jun 1858 (update)
SCHMIDT, Johann Friedrich Karl ✶ 1823, † 23 Mar 1868 (update)
SCHMIDT, Johann Karl Friedrich ✶ abt. 1808 (update)
SCHMIDT, Johanne Marie ✶ bef. 1810 (update)
SCHMIDT, Johanne Marie Friederike ✶ 1828 (update)
SCHMIDT, Maria Christiana ✶ 1818 (update)
SCHMIDT, Maria Dorothea ✶ 1807 (update)
SCHMIDT, Marie Dorothea ✶ abt. 1798 (update)
SCHMIDT, Theresia Maria ✶ 17 Mar 1836 in Schotterey (update)
SCHMIDT, ungetauftes Töchterlein ✶ 14 Aug 1841 in Schotterey, † 17 Aug 1841 (update)
SCHMIDT, Wilhelm Ferdinand ✶ bef. 1808, † bef. 1857 (update)
SCHMIDT, Wilhelmine ✶ 25 Oct 1837 in Schotterey, † 04 Jul 1910 (update)
SCHMIDT, Wilhelmine Auguste ✶ 08 Jan 1835 in Schotterey (update)
SCHNEIDER, Adolph Herrmann Carl ✶ 22 Sep 1841 in Schotterey (update)
SCHNEIDER, Albert Bernhard ✶ 12 Jun 1845 in Schotterey (update)
SCHNEIDER, Carl Gustav ✶ 11 Jan 1851 in Schotterey (update)
SCHNEIDER, Carl Julius ✶ 16 May 1844 in Schotterey (update)
SCHNEIDER, Johann Conrad ✶ 1809, † (nach 7/1894) (update)
SCHNEIDER, Julius Albert ✶ 22 Mar 1848 in Schotterey (update)
SCHNEIDER, Wilhelmine Therese ✶ 25 Aug 1839 in Schotterey (update)
SCHRÖDER, Auguste Friederike ✶ 24 Aug 1833 in Schotterey (update)
SCHRÖDER, Carl Wilhelm ✶ bef. 1810 (update)
SCHRÖDER, Christiana Friederika ✶ 20 Sep 1845 in Schotterey (update)
SCHRÖDER, Christiane Friederike ✶ abt. 1823 (update)
SCHRÖDER, Christiane Friederike ✶ 13 May 1848 in Schotterey (update)
SCHRÖDER, Erdmuthe Concordia ✶ 09 Jan 1842 in Schotterey (update)
SCHRÖDER, Friedrich August ✶ 11 Jun 1847 in Schotterey (update)
SCHRÖDER, Friedrich Carl ✶ 29 Nov 1848 in Schotterey (update)
SCHRÖDER, Friedrich Luis ✶ 17 Aug 1839 in Schotterey (update)
SCHRÖDER, Friedrich Wilhelm ✶ 08 Jul 1837 in Schotterey (update)
SCHRÖDER, Johann Carl Ernst ✶ 17 Jul 1846 in Schotterey, † 12 Mar 1854 (update)
SCHRÖDER, Johann Gottfried ✶ abt. 1796 (update)
SCHRÖDER, Johann Gottfried ✶ 24 Jan 1836 in Schotterey (update)
SCHRÖDER, Johann Gottlieb Ludwig ✶ 1795 (update)
SCHRÖDER, Johanna Amalie Elisabeth ✶ bef. 1827 (update)
SCHRÖDER, Johanna Erdmuthe ✶ bef. 1793 (update)
SCHRÖDER, Johanna Friederica ✶ 05 Apr 1838 in Schotterey (update)
SCHRÖDER, Johanna Rosina ✶ 17 Dec 1842 in Schotterey (update)
SCHRÖDER, Johanne Henriette ✶ 14 Apr 1837 in Schotterey (update)
SCHRÖDER, Johanne Marie Friederike ✶ 20 Aug 1847 in Schotterey, † 21 Feb 1919 (update)
SCHRÖDER, Johanne Sophie ✶ abt. 1826 (update)
SCHRÖDER, Karl Friedrich ✶ bef. 1829, † 1892 (update)
SCHRÖDER, Wilhelmine Amalie ✶ 23 May 1850 in Schotterey (update)
SCHULZE, Marie Christiane ✶ abt. 1809 (update)
SCHUMANN, Andreas ✶ bef. 1795, † (vor 5/1845) (update)
SCHUMANN, Eva Maria ✶ abt. 1807 (update)
SCHUMANN, Friederike ✶ 15 Aug 1844 in Schotterey (update)
SCHUMANN, Friedrich Wilhelm ✶ 12 Sep 1836 in Schotterey (update)
SCHUMANN, Johann Andreas ✶ bef. 1787 (update)
SCHUMANN, Maria Sophia ✶ 1822 (update)
SCHUNKE, Auguste Philippine Therese ✶ 16 Feb 1841 in Schotterey (update)
SCHUNKE, Emilie Emma Aurelie ✶ 21 Oct 1847 in Schotterey (update)
SCHUNKE, Friedrich Adolph ✶ 08 Dec 1842 in Schotterey (update)
SCHUNKE, Friedrich Herrmann ✶ 28 May 1849 in Schotterey (update)
SCHUNKE, Friedrich Wilhelm Otto ✶ 11 Sep 1845 in Schotterey (update)
SCHUNKE, Gustav ✶ 30 Jan 1836 in Schotterey (update)
SCHUNKE, Johann Carl ✶ 09 Sep 1839 in Schotterey (update)
SCHUNKE, Johann Ernst ✶ 26 Nov 1837 in Schotterey (update)
SCHUNKE, Johann Gottfried ✶ 1801, † 16 May 1854 (update)
SCHUNKE, Johann Gottfried ✶ abt. 1801 (update)
SCHUNKE, Johann Ludwig ✶ 16 Aug 1834 in Schotterey (update)
SEEBURG, Auguste Wilhelmine ✶ 22 Oct 1869 in Schotterey (update)
SEEBURG, Johann Gottlob ✶ 1793, † 06 Jun 1875 in Schotterey (update)
SEEBURG, Karl Friedrich ✶ abt. 1826 (update)
SEEBURG, Wilhelmine ✶ 1834 (update)
SEIDEL, Maria Rosina ✶ bef. 1790, † (nach 9/1851) (update)
SEIFARTH, Juliane Amalie ✶ abt. 1806 (update)
SEIFERLIN, Johann Andreas ✶ abt. 1818 (update)
SIEBER, Friederike Luise ✶ abt. 1818 (update)
SIELER, Maria Christina ✶ 1804, † 20 Jul 1870 in Schotterey (update)
SILBER, Christiane ✶ bef. 1816 (update)
SILBER, Christiane Friederike ✶ 21 Dec 1834 in Schotterey (update)
SILBER, Johann Christoph ✶ bef. 1791 (update)
SILBER, Maria Christiana Dorothee ✶ abt. 1809 (update)
SIXTHOR, Friederike Auguste ✶ 27 Mar 1854 in Schotterey, † 08 Aug 1854 (update)
SIXTHOR, Friederike Rosine ✶ 30 Jul 1851 in Schotterey (update)
SIXTHOR, Friedrich August ✶ 01 Sep 1842 in Schotterey, † 24 May 1887 in Schotterey (update)
SIXTHOR, Friedrich August ✶ 01 Jun 1876 in Schotterey (update)
SIXTHOR, Friedrich Carl ✶ 01 Aug 1848 in Schotterey, † 14 May 1849 (update)
SIXTHOR, Friedrich Franz ✶ 23 Sep 1855 in Schotterey, † 19 Mar 1857 (update)
SIXTHOR, Friedrich Herrmann ✶ 05 Dec 1852 in Schotterey, † 15 Apr 1866 (update)
SIXTHOR, Johann Christian ✶ abt. 1824 (update)
SIXTHOR, Johann Christian Traugott ✶ 1817, † 26 Feb 1873 in Schotterey (update)
SIXTHOR, Johann Christoph ✶ bef. 1799 (update)
SIXTHOR, Johanna Maria ✶ 11 Nov 1846 in Schotterey (update)
SIXTHOR, Marie Christine ✶ bef. 1800, † (nach 4/1845) (update)
SIXTHOR, Rosine Henriette ✶ 29 Aug 1845 in Schotterey (update)
SIXTHOR, totgeborener Sohn ✶ 11 Jun 1850 in Schotterey, † 11 Jun 1850 in Schotterey (update)
SIXTHOR, totgeborener Sohn ✶ 04 Jan 1857 in Schotterey, † 04 Jan 1857 in Schotterey (update)
SOLLE, Amalie Luise ✶ 01 Jan 1845 in Schotterey (update)
SOLLE, Anna Louise ✶ 18 Nov 1850 in Schotterey (update)
SOLLE, Carl August ✶ 10 Dec 1845 in Schotterey, † 19 Aug 1866 (update)
SOLLE, Charlotte Friederike ✶ abt. 1809 (update)
SOLLE, Christiana Rosina ✶ 11 Jun 1838 in Schotterey, † 26 Aug 1866 (update)
SOLLE, Friederike Auguste ✶ 26 Sep 1840 in Schotterey, † 24 Oct 1894 in Schotterey (update)
SOLLE, Friederike Charlotte ✶ 14 Jul 1839 in Schotterey (update)
SOLLE, Friederike Henriette Charlotte ✶ 21 Jan 1847 in Schotterey, † 27 Aug 1866 (update)
SOLLE, Friedrich August ✶ 27 Dec 1847 in Schotterey (update)
SOLLE, Friedrich Heinrich ✶ abt. 1811, † (vor 6/1878) (update)
SOLLE, Friedrich Heinrich ✶ 09 Nov 1841 in Schotterey (update)
SOLLE, Gustav Adolph ✶ 30 Nov 1843 in Schotterey (update)
SOLLE, Heinrich Ludwig ✶ 02 Nov 1848 in Schotterey, † 14 Nov 1848 (update)
SOLLE, Johanna Friederica ✶ 16 Nov 1842 in Schotterey (update)
SOLLE, Rosina Maria ✶ 1807, † 06 Nov 1873 in Schotterey (update)
SOLLE, Samuel ✶ bef. 1789 (update)
SOLLE, Wilhelmine ✶ 03 Oct 1849 in Schotterey (update)
SPENGLER, Friedrich August ✶ 11 Oct 1845 in Schotterey (update)
SPENGLER, Friedrich Ferdinand ✶ 06 Aug 1844 in Schotterey (update)
SPENGLER, Friedrich Ferdinand ✶ 21 Feb 1850 in Schotterey, † 28 May 1850 (update)
SPENGLER, Friedrich Karl ✶ 10 Nov 1841 in Schotterey, † 13 Jan 1915 (update)
SPENGLER, Johann Friedrich Salomo ✶ 1805, † 29 Feb 1880 in Schotterey (update)
SPENGLER, Johann Friedrich Salomon ✶ 07 Feb 1843 in Schotterey, † 05 Mar 1909 (update)
SPENGLER, Johann Gottlieb Heinrich ✶ 02 Mar 1847 in Schotterey (update)
SPENGLER, Johanna Rosina ✶ 27 Aug 1848 in Schotterey (update)
SPENGLER, Johanne Friederike ✶ 21 Feb 1850 in Schotterey (update)
STAUDE, Maria Rosina ✶ bef. 1800, † bef. 1839 (update)
STÖBER, Adolph Heinrich Traugott ✶ abt. 1810 (update)
STOLLE, Rosine Friederike ✶ bef. 1840 (update)
STRAßBURGER, Johanna Rosina Elisabeth ✶ bef. 1808, † (vor 9/1857) (update)
STRAßBURGER, Maria Sophie ✶ abt. 1811 (update)
TAUCH, Johann Christoph ✶ 1819 (update)
TEICHMANN, Friederike Caroline ✶ abt. 1805 (update)
TETZNER, Johanna Maria Rosina ✶ bef. 1806, † (vor 3/1855) (update)
TETZNER, Maria Elisabeth ✶ bef. 1802, † (vor 6/1841) (update)
TEUBNER, Johanna Elisabeth ✶ bef. 1813, † (vor 11/1871) (update)
THEILE, Johann Carl ✶ 1812 (update)
THEILE, Johann Gottlieb ✶ abt. 1817 (update)
THEUERKAUF, Johanna Christiana ✶ bef. 1808 (update)
THEURING, Rosina Maria ✶ abt. 1815, † 21 Mar 1890 in Schotterey (update)
THIELE, Andreas Gustav ✶ 13 Nov 1838 in Schotterey, † 14 Aug 1839 (update)
THIELE, Carl Friedrich Ferdinand ✶ 14 May 1834 in Schotterey, † 07 Jan 1835 (update)
THIELE, Christian Julius Moritz ✶ 09 Feb 1836 in Schotterey (update)
THIELE, Eduard Herrmann ✶ 21 Feb 1845 in Schotterey, † 12 Dec 1864 (update)
THIELE, Eva Maria Christiana Sophia ✶ bef. 1815 (update)
THIELE, Friederike Therese Liberta ✶ 25 Dec 1842 in Schotterey (update)
THIELE, Friedrich Carl ✶ 19 Sep 1843 in Schotterey (update)
THIELE, Gottfried Heinrich ✶ 1826, † 07 Oct 1857 (update)
THIELE, Gottlieb ✶ 1810, † 03 Mar 1879 in Schotterey (update)
THIELE, Henriette Rosine Emilie Concordia ✶ 22 Sep 1840 in Schotterey (update)
THIELE, Johann Friedrich ✶ 11 Feb 1839 in Schotterey, † 02 Jun 1919 (update)
THIELE, Johann Gottfried ✶ bef. 1808, † bef. 1861 (update)
THIELE, Johanna Christiana ✶ bef. 1798, † aft. 1849 (update)
THIELE, Johanna Rosina ✶ 09 Mar 1841 in Schotterey (update)
THIELE, Rosine Caroline ✶ 1799, † 21 Jan 1881 in Schotterey (update)
THIELE, Wilhelm Emil ✶ 15 Nov 1835 in Schotterey (update)
THIELE, Wilhelmine Henriette ✶ 21 Feb 1849 in Schotterey (update)
THIEME, Maria Christine ✶ 1808 (update)
THORMANN, Amalie Bertha ✶ 26 Oct 1869 in Schotterey, † 03 Oct 1870 in Schotterey (update)
THORMANN, Johann Gottfried ✶ bef. 1840 (update)
TILLE, Johanna Sophia ✶ bef. 1815 (update)
TOSTLEBE, Carl Friedrich ✶ 1806 (update)
TRAUTNER, Gottlieb August Wilhelm ✶ bef. 1800 (update)
TRAUTNER, Johanna Dorothea Auguste Friederike ✶ 1818 (update)
TRÖLLSCH, Maria Rosina ✶ bef. 1838 (update)
UEBEL, Heinrich Friedrich ✶ abt. 1799 (update)
UFER, Wilhelmine Pauline ✶ abt. 1849, † 08 Feb 1890 in Schotterey (update)
UNGEBAUER, Johann Carl ✶ 18 Oct 1845 in Schotterey (update)
UNGEBAUER, Karl Heinrich ✶ 1818 (update)
UNGEBAUER, Karl Heinrich ✶ 06 Dec 1848 in Schotterey, † 19 Nov 1895 in Schotterey (update)
URBAN, Johanna Elisabeth ✶ 1817 (update)
VOGEL, Johann Christian ✶ bef. 1820 (update)
VOGEL, Otto Leander ✶ 04 Aug 1848 in Schotterey, † 03 Feb 1849 (update)
VOGLER, Johann Gottfried ✶ abt. 1808 (update)
VOGLER, Johanna Christiana ✶ 22 Jan 1834 in Schotterey (update)
VOIGT, Christian Friedrich ✶ abt. 1793 (update)
VOIGT, Eduard Wilhelm Heinrich Ferdinand ✶ 08 Feb 1836 in Schotterey (update)
VOIGT, Friedrich Christoph ✶ 16 Feb 1850 in Schotterey, † 16 Feb 1850 (update)
VOIGT, Johann Christoph Friedrich ✶ abt. 1807, † 13 Jan 1870 in Schotterey (update)
VOIGT, Johann Friedrich ✶ bef. 1790, † bef. 1847 (update)
VOIGT, Maria Dorothea ✶ abt. 1813, † bef. 1879 (update)
VOIGT, totgeborenes Töchterlein ✶ 28 Jun 1835 in Schotterey, † 28 Jun 1835 in Schotterey (update)
WAGNER, Friedrich August ✶ 29 Aug 1823, † 10 Nov 1890 in Schotterey (update)
WAGNER, Gustav ✶ 1821, † 03 May 1885 in Schotterey (update)
WAGNER, Gustav ✶ 14 Aug 1855 in Schotterey (update)
WAGNER, Gustav ✶ bef. 1864 (update)
WAGNER, Heinrich ✶ 22 Oct 1849 in Schotterey, † 26 Oct 1849 (update)
WAGNER, Henriette Auguste ✶ 12 Jun 1848 in Schotterey, † 27 Mar 1867 (update)
WAGNER, Julius Franz Robert ✶ 10 Sep 1848 in Schotterey (update)
WAGNER, Luise Ottilie ✶ 26 Feb 1846 in Schotterey (update)
WAGNER, Maria Rosina ✶ 1798, † 31 Oct 1870 in Schotterey (update)
WAGNER, Söhnlein ✶ 04 Jul 1847 in Schotterey, † 07 Jul 1847 (update)
WEBER, Christian Heinrich ✶ 02 Nov 1848 in Schotterey, † 24 Oct 1893 (update)
WEBER, Christiana Friederika ✶ 19 Nov 1845 in Schotterey, † 28 Jul 1851 (update)
WEBER, Johann Friedrich ✶ 19 Oct 1842 in Schotterey (update)
WEBER, Johann Gottlob ✶ 1816, † 15 Jul 1879 in Schotterey (update)
WEBER, Wilhelmine Christiane ✶ 09 Jul 1847 in Schotterey (update)
WEICHMANN, Johanne Caroline ✶ 09 Jan 1822, † 05 Dec 1893 in Schotterey (update)
WEICHMANN, totgeborenes Töchterlein ✶ 10 Aug 1838 in Schotterey, † 10 Aug 1838 in Schotterey (update)
WEISE, Sophie Elisabeth ✶ 1799 (update)
WENZEL, Friederike Wilhelmine ✶ 04 Sep 1850 in Schotterey (update)
WENZEL, Friedrich Ludwig ✶ abt. 1818 (update)
WENZEL, Henriette ✶ 07 Mar 1853 in Schotterey (update)
WERNECK, Dorothee Eleonore ✶ abt. 1820 (update)
WERNER, Maria Rosina ✶ bef. 1822 (update)
WERNER, Marie Rosine ✶ bef. 1809 (update)
WERTHER, Maria Friederike ✶ 1800, † (vor 12/1850) (update)
WICHMANN, Andreas Gottfried ✶ abt. 1793 (update)
WICHMANN, Wilhelmine ✶ abt. 1828 (update)
WINKLER, Franz Richard ✶ 11 Sep 1863 (update)
WINKLER, Gustav Moritz ✶ 16 Nov 1850 in Schotterey (update)
WINKLER, Johann Gottfried ✶ bef. 1822 (update)
WINKLER, Johanna Eleonora ✶ abt. 1804, † 20 Jan 1883 in Schotterey (update)
WINKLER, Johanne Erdmuthe ✶ bef. 1822 (update)
WINZER, Anna Louise ✶ 22 Jul 1844 in Schotterey (update)
WINZER, Johann Andreas ✶ 20 Mar 1802, † 03 May 1882 in Schotterey (update)
WINZER, Johann Paul ✶ bef. 1784, † bef. 1834 (update)
WINZER, Johanna Dorothea Sophia ✶ 01 Jun 1836 in Schotterey (update)
WINZER, Maria Friederica Concordia ✶ 09 Jun 1839 in Schotterey (update)
WINZER, totgeborene Tochter ✶ 24 Jul 1834 in Schotterey, † 24 Jul 1834 in Schotterey (update)
WINZER, totgeborener Sohn ✶ 24 Jul 1834 in Schotterey, † 24 Jul 1834 in Schotterey (update)
WIPPERT, Johann Gottlob ✶ bef. 1822 (update)
WIPPERT, Johann Gustav ✶ 25 Sep 1847 in Schotterey (update)
WITTENBECHER, Friederike Auguste ✶ 20 May 1840 in Schotterey (update)
WITTENBECHER, Friedrich August ✶ abt. 1808 (update)
WITTENBECHER, Friedrich August ✶ 21 Aug 1837 in Schotterey (update)
WITTENBECHER, Rosine Wilhelmine ✶ 29 Sep 1842 in Schotterey (update)
WITTENBECHER, totgeborenes Söhnlein ✶ 20 Jan 1844 in Schotterey, ▭ 22 Jan 1844 (update)
WÖHLMANN, Carl ✶ 03 Mar 1841 in Schotterey (update)
WÖHLMANN, Christiane Friederike ✶ 1822 (update)
WÖHLMANN, Johann Carl ✶ 30 Jun 1834 in Schotterey (update)
WÖHLMANN, Johann Christian Friedrich ✶ abt. 1815 (update)
WÖHLMANN, Johann Friedrich ✶ 21 May 1837 in Schotterey (update)
WÖHLMANN, Johann Friedrich Heinrich ✶ 18 Oct 1841 in Schotterey (update)
WÖHLMANN, Johann Gottlieb ✶ bef. 1790, † (vor 12/1846) (update)
WÖHLMANN, Johann Gottlieb ✶ abt. 1809, † 26 May 1888 in Schotterey (update)
WÖHLMANN, Johann Gottlieb ✶ 12 Dec 1863 in Schotterey (update)
WÖHLMANN, totgeborenes Töchterlein ✶ 06 Oct 1839 in Schotterey, † 06 Oct 1839 in Schotterey (update)
WÖZEL, Maria Sophia ✶ 1805 (update)
WOLF, Johann Friedrich Carl ✶ 18 Apr 1835 in Schotterey (update)
WOLF, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm ✶ 14 Oct 1837 in Schotterey (update)
WOLF, Johann Gottlob ✶ bef. 1792 (update)
WOLF, Johann Gottlob ✶ 1810, † 11 Nov 1874 in Schotterey (update)
WOLF, Johann Gottlob ✶ bef. 1812 (update)
WOLF, Johann Gottlob ✶ bef. 1816 (update)
WOLF, Johann Karl ✶ 04 Apr 1850 in Schotterey (update)
ZAHN, Christoph Gottlieb Luis ✶ 1814 (update)
ZAHN, Luise Emma ✶ 08 Sep 1849 in Schotterey (update)
ZEISE, Christiane Sophie ✶ bef. 1815, † (vor 5/1872) (update)
ZEISE, Johanna Christiana Sophie ✶ bef. 1821 (update)
ZIEGE, Friedrich Wilhelm Herrmann ✶ 11 Nov 1869 in Schotterey (update)
ZIEGE, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm ✶ abt. 1836 (update)
ZIMMERMANN, Amalie Auguste ✶ bef. 1819 (update)
ZIMMERMANN, Carl August ✶ abt. 1805 (update)
ZIMMERMANN, Johann Franz ✶ 1820 (update)
ZWEIMANN, Christoph ✶ 1798, † 06 Apr 1872 in Schotterey (update)

Last status Local heritage book of Schotterey: 27.01.2018

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